In meeting with your estate planning attorney, your attorney may have said that he or she was going to issue a Crummey notice.
Why is My Excellent Attorney Issuing a Crummy Notice?
In meeting with your estate planning attorney, your attorney may have said that he or she was going to issue a Crummey notice.
By Richard F. Roth A lot of people have established a 529 higher education savings ...
By Geoffrey N. Taylor A CPA recently referred a 78-year-old single woman to me for ...
In this article, published in Estate Planning Magazine’s July 2016 edition, Geoffrey N. Taylor provides a non-exhaustive analysis of ...
For some it is unthinkable. For others it is seemingly necessary. Many who do it are completely heartbroken..
The Achieving a Better Life Experience (ABLE) Act of 2014 authorizes states to establish tax-exempt ABLE accounts